We sprayed the backing plates with Simple green and let them soak for a day. We came back, sprayed them again, scrubbed, and washed off with water.
Next we wire brushed them. Washed again with Simple green and hosed them off.
We then added a nice coat of the Epoxy Satin Black. It looks pretty good all cleaned up.

Now to add the brake parts.
First we installed new wheel cylinders. We also picked up a rear hose, but we will get to that when we are running lines.
I added each part just as I had removed them. Evert nut, bolt, spring, washer or clip that was removed from the left side, was boiled, cleaned, polished, painted and re-installed on the left side.
Here we have a problem. After I install ALL the correct parts on the left side, I can barely get the brake drum on. it is like the parts GREW when I washed them. This can NOT happen.
I call dad out to look. he thinks of several ideas. the last idea is, put the ORIGINAL BRAKE SHOES back on. Well, I think he is nuts, but, nothing else has worked.
SAME RESULTS. I am confused. Time to call it a night, think about it, sleep on it, and come back tomorrow fresh. I sent an EMAIL to Scot, with photos asking his opinion. He comes up with many of the VERY same questions, I came up with. NOBODY can answer this one.
So, I wake up, still thinking about it.. But, I have Parking brake cables to build. I spend most if the day, cleaning, painting, building parking brake cables.
I also did some checking, and made some measurements at home. Learned that the new wheel cylinders are about 1/4 inch shorter that the original ones. This would account for the gap that i saw.
I take another day to get back to the Chevy. After sleeping on it twice, I decide, I will put the drums on and hope for the best.
I installed the drums, adjusted the brakes, adjusted the parking brake. applied the parking brake and EVERYTHING worked perfect. (Don't ask, I can't figure it out) NOW.. Brakes are back together. Time to start bending brake lines and connect up all the wheel cylinders.
More tomorrow.
I have the same old 1904 Chevy Truck and have replaced all the wheel cylinders. The drums were good shape and did not need to be turned. I had replaced them about ten years ago and have not used the truck at all sense than. I removed and cleaned the parking brake cables, replaced them, they seem to operate good when I set the parking brake but they do not lock the brake. Is there something I am missing on adjusting the parking brake? I have adjusted the two nuts at the end of the barking cable but am not sure how far to adjust them or how tight to make the cables when the brakes are not set.